Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Phone Interview Tips That’ll Help You Stand Out

Telephonic interviews has emerged as an easy and feasible way of conducting interviews. Personal interviews tend to get costly and time consuming when conducted without any screening of applicants. Through telephonic interviews, companies eliminate all the unsolicited applicants and only qualified applicants are therein called for a personal interview. 

The quality and performance of your telephonic interview would determine whether or not you would be called for a personal interview. Here are some not so common tips to nail that telephonic interview.
1. Find yourself a private spot. Cut all distractions

Don’t underestimate the impact of telephonic interview. Don’t take it casually and set your foot by being fully prepared for an interview. Find yourself a private corner at your home. Make sure the place is away from all the noise clatters at home. There shouldn’t be any distraction be it in form of person or any object. Find yourself a corner where you could concentrate fully.

2. Research as you would for an in person interview

As said earlier, don’t take such interviews casually. Prepare for it priory as you would for an in person interview. Research about the company, job role, its responsibility and an interviewer. Prepare you question list and things you would want to enquire about. In short, don’t waste an interviewer time by going in clueless. Make them feel assertive about you.

3. Keep your resume handy

In spite of this being a telephonic interview, you would encounter questions based on your resume. Keep it handy and take your time to relate your answers with skills mentioned in resume. It is better to take a pause instead of continuing with blabbering. And most importantly, don’t lie. No matter what just avoid speaking lies. 

4. Listen before you speak

As opposed to an in person interview, you can judge the interest of an interviewer based merely on their tone. You cannot predict anything as you cannot see their facial expressions. Don’t hush yourself into answering. Listen to what interviewer has to say or ask and only when he finishes you can begin talking. If you are not clear of what they asked simply ask them to repeat. Calm your nerves as you speak.

5. Slow down your pace

Telephonic interviews might make you nervous and you might make most silly errors through your way of speaking. Don’t be too loud and nor too fast. Answer at a slow pace as if you are talking with an interviewer on face. Maintain a pause of 2-3 seconds after they finish their question and then begin with your talk.

6. Follow up with a thankyou

Once you’re done with a telephonic interview drop in a personalized message thanking them. Thank them for taking off their valuable time and how you look forward to hearing from them.
The quality of your telephonic interview would decide the fate of your job selection. Make sure you don’t miss an opportunity to personal interview for silly errors.

On that note, if you are looking for a job in Surat city during this time of lock down, you should get in touch with us. Through Job Museum we offer numerous opportunities of job placement inSurat.  There are numerous openings for full time as well as part time jobs in Surat. We are conducting virtual interviews for the time being till this lock down is lifted. If you are looking for a job in Surat for freshers, we have multiple openings in our client firms. Get in touch with us while we assist you in getting best job placements.

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