Tuesday, April 28, 2020

How to Make Right Career Choice

Career is perhaps the most crucial aspect of our lives and contributes significantly to the quality of life we lead, be it mentally, physically or spiritually. It is absolutely normal for an individual to fumble while making a choice of career. After all, the decisions of such crucial importance couldn’t be undertaken lightly. 

However, with certain guidance the process of making a career choice becomes easier. These tips would guide you in taking correct career decisions.

1. Make self-assessment

Before analyzing the various career alternatives available in market, it is extremely important for you to analyze yourself. Conduct a self-analysis test by identifying your strengths, weaknesses and opportunities. Find answers to what interests you the most, what you could possibly spend hours doing without getting bored, what would pay your bills, what would motivate you to progress. It is difficult to answer most of these questions due to our lack of awareness. But you cannot take the chance of making an inappropriate career choice blaming it on lack of awareness.

2. Don’t get influenced.

Early twenties is usually the age associated with beginning of career. We are naïve with least exposure to practical world and our minds are easy to captivate. It is easy to get carried away with the career choices made by others. Our advice would be to not get influenced and make a career choice based on what others are preferring. Keep your eyes and ears open to every possible knowledgeable information but don’t follow the path of career just because it is widely chosen. 

3. Experiment

You cannot certainly know what would and won’t work for you without trying. And while it may seem impractical to try experimenting with career, I have an easy way out for you. Jot down the career paths that seem most feasible and complementing to your skill sets. Group all the relevant careers together. Experience these varied job roles while you pursue your studies by undertaking internships, part time work or volunteering help. Not everything that seems perfect and peachy would turn out good. 

4. Communicate

We are blessed to live in an era where information and knowledge is easily accessible. There aren’t enough reasons for you to not identify your career. If you have shortlisted your choice of career to 10 or say 5, now is you time to narrow down your choices. Connect with people who are already into these careers, have a detailed talk with them, identify the perks and drawbacks attached to their career,  learn about opportunities of advancement and any other doubts or confusion that surrounds your mind. 

5. Trust your gut instincts

We all have our calling and passion for something in peculiar. While making a choice of career while facts and figures are important don’t miss out on identifying your passion. Career without passion isn’t always fruitful. 

6. Undertake the task of thorough research

Put your researching skills to good use. Don’t deprive yourself of any information. Get in detailed research about the career that intrigues you. Make a comparison study between two careers and make an ideal choice. 

Sooner or later you would make a career decision apt for you. Always remember, there is nothing like a bad career choice but there is surely something bad about not trying at all. 

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