Sunday, June 7, 2020

How to Boost Your Career by Being Your Own Best Critic

Growth is what we strive for. Now, could there be any growth when one remains content? I guess not. Growth takes place when one contradicts their current position for reaching someplace better. And more often then not, contradiction comes with being critical.

Now, if you’re into professional setup for a long time, you might be aware about criticism you face at workplace. And while criticism has negative notions attached with it, is it really that destructive? Well, no not every criticism is bad. Some might even help you grow and there are healthy ways of dealing with criticism.

Talking about importance of being critical in one’s own career, it is quintessential. Being critical requires individual to deeply introspect and identify the areas of errors. Only then can an individual work towards betterment. If career advancement is your goal, then you need to learn being your own best critic. These are amongst the numerous ways you can offer a boost to your career with criticism.

1. Make Self awareness your tool

Self awareness is quite crucial for career. Merely working hard won’t pay off with growth. You need to evaluate, plan and learn your career path with an aim of taking it somewhere. When you are aware of your shortcomings you naturally criticize yourself. And criticism that comes from a healthy perspective should always be welcomed for you own betterment.

2. Don’t be reluctant 

There is no voice as true as your inner voice. You cannot fool or turn off that voice with ignorance. You have to accept it even when it is harsh. Use that inner voice as a weapon to identify the mistakes you make. Trust your gut instincts as to when is the right time to make a career change or advancement. 

3. Work on your weaknesses

No one is perfect. And everyone has their weaknesses. But does that make them bad professionals? No. In reality, being your own self critic would help you identify those weaknesses and encourage you to work towards it. When you use self criticism constructively, you get an opportunity to better your skills which in turn is better for your career.

4. Self criticism is like an advise from expert

As I mentioned earlier, self criticism aware you. You don’t remain within any blind spot. Besides, could there be anyone as concerned about you as yourself. Thus, when you criticize yourself you are in a way offering yourself best form of advise.

Self criticism is quite vital for your career. Use it constructively to give your career the much required boost.

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